Liz Monson, Career Coach

Liz answers questions from PeopleKeys about her business as an independent coach in South Africa.  Liz Monson, certified in Behavioral Analysis by PeopleKeys, has been using PeopleKeys products in her training and coaching since 1995.

LizMonson1What is your coaching niche? What area do you feel most passionate and/or feel you can make the most contributions?

Career Coaching. Students needing to choose subjects for entry into Higher Education and adults wanting to change their careers.

How has your past business life prepared you for your coaching career?

My background experience in business was sales, as a consultant for a direct selling company and thereafter, as a National Sales Manager of sales managers.  Throughout all of this, I was very involved with the training of staff.  I have diplomas in adult training as well as counseling.

I found that when counseling, much time was spent exploring my client's pasts.  I changed to coaching as this takes people from the past and puts them in the present.  This assists them for prepare to grow into the future of their careers.  This is a much more positive and helpful approach.

How do you use Behavioral Analysis in your coaching? What responses/results do you typically receive?

At the first session I have with a client, the client takes a PeopleKeys DISC Behavioural Profile as I need to know the Behavioural Style of the person I will be coaching. As a coach, you need to be able to read your clients before proceeding with them. This is the basis of every coaching session. Thereafter, depending on how the coaching is proceeding I will use further DISC profiling as required.

My clients have been very satisfied with the results of their coaching as they understand themselves so much better and are happy to know that they do not need to change themselves, just understand their strengths and work on those points to build a career.

I love their “AHA” moment. For example, I hear these types of comments (below), and as a result of the client’s good results, my business has grown through word of mouth from my past clients.

"The results were valuable in giving me direction both in my business and personal life, as well as helping me understand my strengths and weakness and the manner in which I can deal with them”

 "It was truly a `light bulb` moment to be able to acknowledge my gifts and talents and use them in a constructive manner”

What do you believe is the greatest challenge to overcome in starting an independent coaching practice?

Getting the word out about the business you are starting. The best way is to gain experience is through profiling some family/friends first and ask directly for names of potential clients.  Then, follow-up immediately.

Do you have any advice for other coaches just starting out?

Always be professional – never, ever discuss your clients with other clients, friends, or family.  What happens in the coaching session is personal and private.  Keep confidentiality at all times. This is your most valued asset.

Be careful when coaching families/bosses and employees/friends – always keep the coaching sessions about them personally and do not allow negative or gossip conversations to creep into the coaching session regarding other clients you are coaching within their ‘Oikos.

Keep good records – clients do come back (sometimes years later).  Lastly, follow-up with clients and offer further profiling which will be helpful in different areas of their life.


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